
7 tips for a more sustainable lifestyle

Committing to switch to an eco-friendly lifestyle can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be though. We’ve composed a list to help you make the transition in simple and easy steps. You’ll soon find that sustainable living isn’t only good for our planet, there are many benefits on a personal level as well.

As we are slowly adjusting to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has never been a better time to consider the world in which we live. These recent events have served as a reminder of the fragility of our world. They demonstrate that we can no longer take our planet for granted. It’s our job to protect it and ensure that future generations can also experience the wonders of this planet. At neubau eyewear, we believe that sustainable living is a vital step to take to ensure the wellbeing of our environment.

Therefore we produce our glasses in our home country Austria, to ensure the responsible use of resources.
The use of plant-based materials such as naturalPX and natural3D reduces our ecological footprint without compromising design and quality. Our SEE & DO GOOD motto relates to the aim of combining sustainability and high-quality design. Committing to switch to an eco-friendly lifestyle can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be though.

We’ve composed a list to help you make the transition in simple and easy steps. You’ll soon find that sustainable living isn’t only good for our planet, there are many benefits on a personal level as well.

1. Have a Staycation

Switching your summer vacation to a ‘staycation’ is an ideal way to reduce your carbon footprint. A staycation—a vacation in your home country—doesn’t need much planning. With the effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic still present, staycations are becoming an increasingly popular choice.
If you decide a staycation is right for you, we recommend camping as a good place to start. Not only is it eco-friendly but there’re also numerous benefits for you.


Minimum Cost

Camping is always a cost-effective option. You won’t need to spend money on expensive flights and of course, you won’t be staying in a hotel. All you need is a tent and a place to stay.

Mental Wellbeing

Getting closer to nature is a great way to improve your mental health, relieving stress, and anxiety. You can even take disconnecting to the next level and switch off your electronic devices. Taking a break from the outside world allows you to reset. It can help to reduce any negative feelings you might have in your day to day life.

Physical Health

Camping provides you with the perfect opportunity to improve your level of fitness. Cycling, hiking, and swimming are just a few ways you can do this while on your camping adventure. Exercising also helps to improve your mood, so you’ll have fun at the same time.

2. Conserve Water and Energy

Turning your attention to your home is a simple and effective way to ensure sustainable living. There’re a few simple things you can do to make a big difference. Here are a few quick and easy tips:

  • Switch off the water faucet while brushing your teeth.
  • Turn off lights when you’re not in the room.
  • Use a washing line to dry clothes instead of a dryer.
  • Use LED light bulbs.
  • Switch off electrical appliances instead of leaving them on stand by.

Heaters and air conditioning units use a significant amount of energy. Before switching them on stop and think, can I wear a jumper instead? If you need to heat your home, make sure that it’s well insulated. This reduces the amount of heat that escapes, meaning you’ll waste less energy. Properly insulating your house is a good investment anyways, as you’ll most likely see a reduction in your heating costs.

3. Grow Your Own Fruit and Vegetables

Homegrown fruits and vegetables are more sustainable than those bought from the supermarket. They don’t have to be transported anywhere or packaged in plastic. They’re also healthier because they haven’t had harmful fertilizers and pesticides sprayed on them. Not to mention, growing your own food is an extremely gratifying experience.

You don’t need to be a professional gardener to be able to grow your own products. Most garden centers and supermarkets sell seeds for a variety of different fruits and vegetables. Choose plants that are suited to the weather conditions native to your region. This will improve your chances of cultivating healthy plants.


4. Get Creative To Reuse

To reduce your consumption rates, try to reuse items that would ordinarily be thrown away or used only once. If something is broken, consider trying to fix it. If it’s damaged beyond repair, try brainstorming new ways in which it can be used. The internet is full of hacks for reusing old household items in new and innovative ways.

You can also bring clothes that you no longer wear to second-hand stores. Also, consider buying from there yourself. In 2017 the United States Environmental Protection Agency reported that 11.2 million tons of textiles were sent to landfills to be discarded. Recycling clothes is a simple step to reduce unnecessary strain on the environment.

5. Go Vegan

Were you aware that meat, eggs, and cheese have the highest carbon footprint of all food? If you want to reduce your carbon footprint going vegan could be a great choice. Even trying to minimize the consume of meat and dairy products can have a huge impact. The carbon footprint of a vegan’s diet is only around half of a meat eater’s diet. This is because foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and beans have a much lower carbon footprint than lifestock products.

There’s also no need to be worried about missing out on the flavors of your favorite meat products. An ever-increasing variety of meat substitutes are already available on the market.
A vegan diet is good for animals too. Many livestock are kept in terrible conditions in factory farms where superbugs are rife. This causes the animals and in turn the meat to become polluted.


6. Use Alternative Transport

Cars are extremely damaging to the environment due to their emission of carbon monoxide and other pollutants. They also pose serious health risks to us as individuals causing fatal diseases such as cancer. Reducing the frequency of your car usage can greatly benefit the environment. If possible, consider taking public transport or cycling. Car sharing is also a good option for cutting down on the number of emissions produced per person. But there are more ways to cut down the emissions, even in your own household.


7. Eco-Friendly Toiletries

Lately, there’s an upward trend in using eco-friendly bathroom products to reduce the use of plastics and other harmful substances. It’s no secret that plastic is particularly hazardous to the environment. It takes thousands of years to decompose and contain dangerous chemicals that affect animals and marine life. Cutting down on the use of plastic - predominantly one-time use plastics—is an excellent way to protect the environment. You can purchase eco-friendly and unwrapped toiletries for your home such as shower and shampoo bars, reusable Makeup remover cloths and many more.In addition, the use of eco-friendly sanitary products is on the rise. Products such as menstrual cups are becoming increasingly popular since they are reusable. By implementing reusable items to your day-to-day life you are automatically cutting down your own use of disposable plastic products.

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